Graphic by Interactions Collaboration
What did early dark matter experiments look like? What does the future of the search for dark matter hold? Will we ever find the missing matter in our Universe?
Join our team of international scientists as they unpack the mysteries of dark matter, how far the search has come, and what might lie ahead in the field of dark matter research. Attendees will listen to talks by dark matter researchers, ask questions during a Q&A panel and take virtual tours of underground laboratory spaces at Sanford Lab in the United States and Boulby Underground Laboratory in the United Kingdom.
“Deep Talks: An International Journey to Dark Matter Detection” will be an online event, streamed on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 10 a.m. to noon MST and 4 to 6 p.m. GMT. You can join this event via Zoom webinar to answer polls and submit questions for our speakers OR watch live on Sanford Lab's Facebook page. Webinar space is limited, so register today!
Preregister for the Zoom webinar.
Boulby Underground Laboratory is partnering with Sanford Underground Research Facility, the University of Edinburgh, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council for a virtual Dark Matter Day event you won’t want to miss.